Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Embrace Winter and all the worthy reasons to love "Old Man Sweaters"

50 Reasons to Love Winter 


We’re deep into February, buried in snow, and spring is way out of sight. What better time to think about the stuff about winter that’s actually pretty grand? Bet you can add 50 more reasons in the comments. And yes, that is a dare.
  1. hot chocolate
  2. dogs in sweaters
  3. miniature snowmen outside convenience stores
  4. slippers (especially the anthropomorphized ones)
  5. babies in fuzzy hats
  6. a big, wrap-it-around-three-times scarf
  7. getting to use that ultra-rich moisturizer
  8. sun reflecting off the snow
  9. blood oranges
  10. big, bold red wines
  11. hiding in turtlenecks
  12. snow days!
  13. the perfect season for knitting
  14. stews & soups
  15. hot tubs
  16. valentine’s day
  17. paperwhites
  18. fondue
  19. warm, boozy drinks
  20. staying inside all day in pjs
  21. shopping (everything’s on sale!)
  22. kale, squash, and brussel sprouts
  23. fuzzy boots
  24. the foam on a latte…pretty soon you’ll be ordering it iced
  25. toe socks
  26. the Olympics
  27. liberal use of fairy lights
  28. black tree branches heavy with snow
  29. wearing the deepest, darkest, muskiest perfumes
  30. holding hands inside your love’s roomy coat pocket
  31. knee socks and tights!
  32. fireside brunching, cocktailing, napping, smooching…
  33. quiet, snuggly reading time at home
  34. ski blankets
  35. sheepskin rugs
  36. visiting a sauna
  37. the perfect blush color, naturally
  38. vintage capes — you have one, don’t you?
  39. bubble baths (they just don’t hold the same appeal in summer)
  40. chili 
  41. wearing those ladylike, yet sexy gloves that end right above your wristbone
  42. hunkering down under a down comforter
  43. big, sweeping epic novels
  44. legwarmers
  45. the dense quiet of fresh night snow
  46. renewed resolve
  47. getting sweaty outside: snowshoeing, skiing, sledding, snowball fights…
  48. the ultimate excuse to be a homebody
  49. earmuffs — they’re kind of glamorous, don’t you think?
  50. chinese new year (dumplings + noodles, anyone?)

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